Wednesday 18 November 2009

Yelp and Run Test

The final part of the animation before it loops back into the run cycle. I decided to change the plan from my storyboard slightly at this point, just because I felt like looking both behind and in front of him wasn't necessary. He's been watching the path ahead all the time he's been running, and the tumble would have carried him forwards past the point of clicking, so really its logical for him to only look behind. I also decided to take out the scene where he touched the 'screen' before freaking out, simply because I felt that by doing so, his reaction would seem really delayed. If he can see the person in front of the screen who clicked him, then he should be able to see them as soon as he turns his head to the front, not just after touching the screen. So instead I've drawn him catching sight of the viewer as he's turning back to face the right and yelping immediately in surprise. I think this more sudden action is much more convincing and amusing to watch, and after seeing how well it works in this test, I think I'm going to stick with it. The only thing I might add is one more frame just before the anticipation for the yelp... I think a slight pause is necessary to show him realising what he's seeing.

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