Wednesday 20 January 2010

More Research...

After meeting with the rest of my group and talking to the teachers about our possible ideas, it was decided that we'd go with Imran's idea of the person chewing the pastille getting slot machine eyes. The eyes will roll back into the character's head and the pupils will change to the fruit that matches the flavour of the pastille being eaten. With hindsight I realise that my previous idea was too complicated for the time limit and it would probably go over the heads of most children since we're primarily aiming at a very young audience... I think the fruit machines eyes is a much better idea, but at the moment its incomplete and needs a conclusion of some sort, or a story or point behind it... So I've thought that maybe we could incorporate a game show theme and turn the chewing into some sort of contest. Perhaps have two children chewing sweets, but only one has Fruit Pastilles, so naturally he wins since the pastilles are infinitely chewier than any other sweet. I've started looking at some examples of cartoon game shows and competitions from video games to get an idea of the setting, plus they're much simpler and more appealing to children than real life game shows.

I particularly like the image above of the punching contest because they seem to be punching to fill up a bar of some sort... Or perhaps that's their power gauge, since its a screen shot from a game. But either way, I could still use the bars filling up as an idea. Maybe whoever fills their bar first is the winner? I like the layout of the stage with the banner across the top as well...

I'm also looking at some slot machine videos to get an idea of how they work and move... it looks like making the eyes blur and move fast enough to look like they're rolling could be difficult.

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