Wednesday 20 January 2010

Advertisment Research

First I started looking at old Fruit Pastilles adverts to get a feel for how Rowntree's likes to advertise them and see what's already been done before. Naturally they all focus on chewing and on how impossible it is to not chew a pastille once its in your mouth.

This first one is brilliantly animated; very over-exaggerated and amusing and gets the point across well. I may use this as a reference when I come to animate my own character chewing, since the more over-the-top the chewing is, the more it'll emphasise the pastilles' chewiness. Plus its a lot more fun to watch which makes it appeal to young children.

This commercial break shows the advert we're supposed to be 'remaking'... I thought it would be good to have it here to refer back to.

The next three adverts aren't to do with Fruit Pastilles at all, but I really like how they all show an alternate universe of sorts which exist purely for the products in question. Since I'm toying with this kind of idea myself I thought they could make good references, especially the Coke advert since its a surprisingly elaborate world in the most unlikely of places, hidden from human eyes. Since the 'world' I'm thinking of would be inside the mouth, it would never be seen by the people eating the pastilles either.

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